PHP string function


This PHP function use to calculate length of a string with include space.

		echo strlen("Jawab Adda!"); // outputs 11


This PHP function is used to count the number of words in a string.

		echo str_word_count("Jawab Adda!"); // outputs 2


This  PHP  function return reverses a string

		echo strrev("Jawab Adda!"); // outputs !addA bawaJ


This PHP function use to searches for a specific text within a string.
If a text is found, the it will returns the character position of the first found text. If it will not  found, it will return FALSE.


		echo strpos("Jawab Adda!", "Adda"); // outputs 6
		//or second example
		echo strpos("Jawab Adda!", ".com"); // no outputs


This PHP function use to count some specific word how many times come in a string.

echo substr_count("Jawab Adda is Adda where you can find any answer", "Adda"); // outputs 2 


This PHP  function use to replaces some characters with some other characters in a string.

echo str_replace("Jawab", "Answer", "Jawab Adda!"); // outputs Answer Adda! 