The SQL INSERT INTO Query is used to add new record of data to a table in the database.

There are two type of syntaxes of the INSERT INTO statement which are shown below.

The first way : Using data columns, here we write those column names in which we want to insert data.

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...); 

Example Query

INSERT INTO tbl_student_record (name ,class ,subject,city) VALUES ( 'Raju', '3rd', 'Math', 'Agra');

Before Query Execution : Table is empty.

id name class subject city phone fee fee_date

After Query Execution : Table has one record.

id name class subject city phone fee fee_date
1 Raju 3rd Math Agra      

The Second way : Without using data columns, Here you can send the data in the same series in which you have placed data columns.

INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME VALUES (value1,value2,value3,...valueN);

Example Query

INSERT INTO tbl_student_record VALUES (1, 'Raju', '3rd', 'Math', 'Agra','9876543210','800','2018-1-2');

Before Query Execution : Table is empty.

id name class subject city phone fee fee_date

After Query Execution : Table has one record.

id name class subject city phone fee fee_date
1 Raju 3rd Math Agra 9876543210 800 2018-1-2